
Becoming Your Highest Self:
A Guided Journal

This guided journal provides a roadmap from self-doubt to your highest, most authentic Self.

It blends Yoga philosophy with modern psychology for a transformative experience through the many layers of the Self and includes meditation and Yoga flows to enhance your journey along the way.

  • Do you long for more peace and joy in your life?

  • Do you feel exhausted, overwhelmed and often on the verge of a meltdown?

  • Do you know you need time to take care of you, but fear everything will fall apart if you do?

  • Do you feel lost and long to know who you really are or what your true purpose is?

  • Do you find yourself feeling dissatisfied with your job, with your relationships, with your body, and with your life?

  • Do you find yourself constantly worrying that you are not enough?

  • Maybe you have even tried talk therapy but know you need more.


This is your roadmap!

If you are longing to find true inner peace and joy that only comes when you are your most authentic Self, this is for you.

The journal prompts allow you to uncover and release the inner dialogue that holds you back and teaches you how to shift your mindset and change your life. The meditations and yoga practice are easy to access through the QR code located in the book. Both practices will leave you feeling relaxed and rejuvenated. Becoming Your Highest Self has become a daily practice for me. I am grateful for having found this journal.

“Becoming Your Highest Self is a beautiful journey into self love and acceptance through journaling, meditation, and movement”

When it comes to anxiety there are two primary questions… “Am I safe?” and “Am I enough?” Once we establish that we are safe, our primary concern is “Am I enough?”

It all comes down to self-doubt, your true fear is that you are ultimately not enough!
Whether that shows up in your relationships, your body image, your achievements, or all three… you fear that eventually someone will notice and when they do everything will fall apart. So you are frantically filling your time trying to prove to yourself and everyone else that you truly are enough.

It is not your fault and there is hope! Our world teaches us the parts of our Self that are acceptable and the parts of our Self that we should hide away at a very young age. This journal is your roadmap to finally realizing that all parts of your Self are truly enough! You do not have to feel constant self doubt and you don’t need another exercise program, beauty product or achievement to get there.
On the journey to your highest Self you will discover the source of your self-doubt and heal it once and for all. You will find the lost parts of yourself and step into who you were always meant to be.

  • You will learn how to break through limiting beliefs, step into your most authentic Self with true confidence and finally find the confidence you long for!

  • You will discover practices and develop a routine of truly nourishing self-care so that you can feel good in your body, your job, your relationships and finally create a life you love!

  • You will learn how to tap into an inner guidance system that will serve you for the rest of your life. And you will discover the secrets to raising your vibrational mood and energy so that you can experience the joy you long for everyday.

a blend of Yoga philosophy with modern psychology


This guided journal will take you on a journey through the many layers of the Self. The Yoga philosophy of the Koshas provides a beautiful roadmap and is the exact process I have guided clients through for years in my therapy office. Now for the first time ever, I am blending Yoga philosophy with modern psychology for a truly transformative experience. You will be led from the outermost layer of the body, the physical Self to the deepest part of your Self, the Highest Self. With thought-provoking prompts I have used with clients for years, and yoga flows and meditations that enhance the journey, you will discover your Highest Self.

You will develop Self-care practices that truly serve you.

You will learn how to regulate your mood and energy states to realize more peace and joy in your life..

You will explore all parts of your Self, heal blocks to self-worth and grow in your self-love.

You will learn real practices that keep you connected to your most Wise inner guide.

You will elevate your mood and vibration for true abundance you deserve!


The Author

Tiffany has been a psychotherapist for over twenty-five years. She is a Yoga instructor and a meditation/self-growth coach. Tiffany is passionate about her work and is on a mission to guide people to the peace and happiness they desire. It has long been her goal to help people learn practices to overcome self-doubt, discover their true worth and create a life they love.